Grafixx 2024

November 21- 22-23-24 at De Studio




Photos, videos and messages flash by every day. We’re everywhere all at once. Does this whirlwind of communication and consumerism leave any space for the folklore, rites and rituals that invisibly connected our ancestors for so long? How does our collective memory evolve in an expanding society? Is the world our oyster, or do we increasingly live in a bubble? Where can we share intimacy these days, what is real, and what is virtual?


During the twelfth edition of Grafixx this autumn, an international selection of graphic artists will invite you to explore the traditions of yesterday, today and tomorrow. The festival theme of transmission inspires a rich menu of lectures, exhibitions, workshops, screenings, and performances. The icing on the cake? Our zine fest serves stacks of remarkable publications to devour at home.

© Illustration: Martha Verschaffel - Design: Louis Reith