Grafixx is a platform for the creation, presentation and dissemination of comics, illustration and graphic arts.
All activities are centered around the intersection of literature, visual and applied arts, with a specific focus on the artistic progress of creators and the development of their networks.


The annual Grafixx festival takes place in autumn at De Studio in Antwerp, Belgium. A meticulously curated group of artists from all over the world inspire with lectures, exhibitions, workshops, live performances, screenings, and a zine fest where independent makers and publishers present their unique publications. This festival guarantees an intense experience of print and paper!


In addition to the festival, the Grafixx calendar also includes lecture programs under the name of Grafixx EXTD., the radio show Grafixx House Call, the imprint Sporen, the mobile bookstore De Zinerie, book presentations, a webshop, and projects with external partners, like murals and art residencies.






Maarschalk Gérardstraat 4
2000 Antwerp, Belgium

[email protected]





Coordination: Elizabeth Ideler-Geerts
Production: Deborah Van Haute-Bloemen, Ansgar Reul & Siemen Van Gaubergen
Curator: Ephameron
Diversity curator: Sam Vanbelle
Zine fest: Jeanne Ribbens
Communication & press: Ilja Antonneau & Simon Van Roosbroeck
Graphic design: Louis Reith

© Martha Verschaffel
