Grafixx 2024 DOWNLOADS X

Animation 16+

Fri 22.11 + Sat 23.11 + Sun 24.11 12:00-18:00


in collaboration with De Cinema

Responding to our first-ever open call for animated movies, artists from all over the world submitted short films from a wide range of cultures, minds, and fantasies. Take a seat and journey through a dazzling selection of digital and handcrafted animations that brings together forgotten treasures, graduation projects, and recent prize winners.

Work by a.o.

Alexey Sukhov (RU), Anna Ivanenko (UA), Böhle Studios & Elli Vuorinen (FI), Cheyenne Goudswaard (NL), Damien Tran (FR), David Mathews (AT), Eva-Marie Elg & Kolbeinn Karlsson (UK), Gabriella Sacco (IT), Gijs Kast (NL), Grace Xu (UK), Iris Wildros (SE), Joost Jansen (BE), kiin. (DE), Lilli Carré (US), Michaela Revoza (CZ), Alice Saeys & Miyu Productions (FR), Namsai K. (TH), Nata Metlukh (UA), Nicolas Piret (BE), Nim Longley (UK), Pieter Maertens (BE), Roman Muradov (AM), Siri Hagerfors & Erik Daghäll (SE), Theodora Jacobs (BE), Virginia Mori (IT)

Chloé Van beveren (deAuteurs), Ran Ceulemans (De Cinema) and Karin Vandenrydt (Anima Festival) have taken the time to watch all animations of this year’s festival and carefully selected three winners, each one an amazing piece of both film making and illustration:
  • La Bride, Nicolas Piret (België): In his graduation film, Nicolas Piret creates an extraordinarily unique concept where he draws over each preceding frame, taking us on an intriguing journey of a dog’s quest for freedom. Each of these frames could be taken straight out of the film and be a part of an expo right here.
  • Flower Show, Elli Vuorinen (Finland): In Flower Show, the social codes of the aristocracy are questioned through a female gaze in this beautifully animated film. Subtle colors and flowing movement create a true delight to the eye.
  • Storm, Gijs Kast (Nederland): Gijs Kast uses the medium of animation to its fullest capacity, which gives another layer of depth to a seemingly simple concept and captures the struggle of the internal storm perfectly.
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